The Protestant Reformation ruptured a Sacramental Tapestry. Martin Luther raged (its time to resist HaSatan) against the Aristotelian hegemony of theology, but what comes around goes around.
Rome’s Teologia Gloriae transfered to the Teologia Crucis.
But Romanism struck back with the counter REFORMATION and the Baroque period, and it made for nice tourism in the Eternal City, where I served for 7 years. Being an eternal student as a pastor, not in exile, just having a great time with all my Roman Catholic friends; Priests and Nuns (who I could witness to all the time) and my congregation (who were baffeld) and some others while I studied at two Pontifical Universites, one of them turned me on to next classic…
Thank You Don Bosco Social Communication Friends…
Federico Fellini’s Creepy Extravagant Roman Cat Walk
Rome’s Teologia Gloriae transfered to the Teologia Crucis.
But Romanism struck back with the counter REFORMATION and the Baroque period, and it made for nice tourism in the Eternal City, where I served for 7 years. Being an eternal student as a pastor, not in exile, just having a great time with all my Roman Catholic friends; Priests and Nuns (who I could witness to all the time) and my congregation (who were baffeld) and some others while I studied at two Pontifical Universites, one of them turned me on to next classic…
Thank You Don Bosco Social Communication Friends…
Federico Fellini’s Creepy Extravagant Roman Cat Walk
John Calvin contributed and perhaps tried to salvage Luther’s Theology of Glory as He starts off his Institutes after his preface to the King of France — the newer Calvinists in the USA don’t seem to understand that old Calvinism is ultimately political and the reason Scotland, Holland, South Africa et al as Christian Nations do not exist anymore. Thus a legitimate concern for the doctrines of grace neglect, as his posit of our own self knowledge ‘being’ equal to our knowledge of God is a valid Epistemology: big WORD for HOW DO we KNOW? Nevertheless, who am I argue with the TULIP where the ‘L’ was put into logic by John Owen. Does such a formulation help me evangelize? That is the question, and only one that each of us can answer for ourselves.
At least it was a woman, Marilynne Robinson, who I believe holistically interpreted as she calls him, Jean Cauvin, the French Lawyer and in a more ample direction. At least in the theologically divided North American context and other places (in a sense) when one says ‘Calvin’, its becomes a fighting word for debate. Why is that?