Part One - What about the Non-religious Chochmei Umot HaOlam?

Do You Really Want to Be on Your Own?

If morality alone is your foundation, then you stand before God on your own righteousness. Do you really want to be in that position? Do you want to stand before the Creator with only your own deeds, your own wisdom, your own judgment? The weight of eternity rests on that question.

Yes, we understand that many do not feel an affinity toward religion. We respect that. But the reality remains: whatever standard you trust in, that is what you will be judged by. If you rely on your own morality, then your morality must be flawless. If you trust in wisdom, then your wisdom must be perfect. But history, experience, and Scripture tell us one thing—no human being, however wise or ethical, can stand before God on their own merits.

Conscience is real. Moral laws exist. Whether it’s the Noahide Laws, Shura 42, or any ethical framework, the reality is the same—no one keeps them perfectly. People may strive for righteousness, but when asked if they have truly upheld their own moral standard, the honest answer is almost always no. And if you can’t meet even your own standard, how will you stand before a holy God?

That’s why it’s called the Gospel. Jesus Christ didn’t come to give us another law to follow—He came because we can’t follow the law perfectly. He came not to demand more effort, but to offer Himself as the way out of our struggle with sin. He doesn’t just improve our morality; He transforms us from ungodly to godly, from self-reliant to redeemed.

So ask yourself: Do you want to stand before God on your own righteousness, or do you want to stand in Christ’s righteousness? Because the Gospel is not about mere goodness—it is about redemption. It is not about trying to be good enough—it is about being made new. And that is the offer before you.

Choose wisely. Like like a Chochmei Umot Ha Olam who see the need to be a Hasidei Umot Ha Olam and beleive the revelation at Mt Sinai is Jesus Christ, the Lamb Slain before the foundation of the world for the remission of Sin.