The Jewish world of the Four Corners.
Again Before Zionism and 1948:
The Sephardi Yemeni, Persian and Mizrachi, et al
lived mostly in peace
under Islam as Dimmis or ‘wanderering’
Christendom or else where…
The expulsion since then was decisive,
but let us look deeper…
The Battle of Gog from Magog, is not Launched
From the nations of Iran, Turkey, Lybia, Syria, Iraq etc. like the evangelical Zionist narrative states.
They are the culturally Ethnic Jews
mostly secular
and CHARDALI observant
(NOT CHAREDI who understand the Talmud better)
whose parents
came from
those lands when
the State of Israel was created in 1948
and have fueled militant Zionism
along with the other side
(Hamas, Isis, et al )
Instigated and ‘egged on’
the corrupt West
and their CIA black hat petrol-fiat banking system that funds the military industrial complex.
In Ezekial 38: 5
“Persia, Cush and Put will be with them, all with shields and helmets, also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah from the far north with all its troops—the many nations with you.”
Bascially the gene-pool of the modern ethnic cultural Jew that finds its racial identity in the State of Israel with a Judaism
was NOT practiced by Jesus of Nazareth.