What is the Quran?

Even without access to such early sources, the present debauched, violent, anti-Christian and Antisemitic verses in the Islamic Qurans can also be reverted to its original and equally witness astoundingly different meanings by following only a dozen steps. Think Judeo Arabic, without the Harakah.

It is important to clarify what is a Quran or (Qeryan in Syriac). It is a collection of Bible readings, a Lectionary. We actually have the original 7th century Syriac Lectionary and its translation, the first Arabic Lectionary also from the 7th century. Arab Christians couldn’t believe that there was an official Arabic translation of the lectionary (IQ16:103).

Arabic Lectionary vs Islam’s Quran But neither of those sources show any similarity to the Messianic Hagarene sources (Paris Folios) of the Marwanid Quran (Sana) and therefore nor any similarity to the current Islamic Quran (Abbasid work). 

Surprisingly, however, a reference to both the original Syriac Lectionary and its translation the first Arabic Lectionary still survived in the Marwanid sources which became Islamic Quran 41:44. 

Given these facts, then what what were the Paris Folios for? Textual analysis reveals that these were nothing but ‘Promotional Guidance’ designed to introduce the loyal subjects to the new Messianic state belief.

The Pre-Sufyanid “Authors” Marwanid means later Umayyad and such sources themselves are based on what authors in pre-Sufyanid times wrote i.e. the Paris Folios dated to the 640s commenting on events corroborated by non-Islamic sources and even with some echoes in the SIN. The Byzantines tell us that this promotional guidance was written by Salman, Umar and Abu Turab.

The Promotional Guidance took the form of “Mystery Plays” being liturgical dramas where the chief Troubadour (performer) takes on the role of Captain of the Host speaking to the General as Michael spoke to Joshua and later to John on the Island of Patmos. The genre lived on in Umayyad Andalusi classical music from whence it eventually passed into Europe.

So the Judeo-Hagarene sources of the Marwanid Quran were not originally intended to be a Quran but were a collection of Hadiths, promotional guidance written in the 640s by Salman & Umar & Abu Turab intended for Troubadors to introduce the first Arabic Qurans to the loyal “Umi” supporters of Judeo-Hagarene leaders who had accepted the Oriental Orthodox Messiah.

Hence to assume that the Marwanid sources must be identical in meaning to the Islamic Quran is only a mistake of the untrained which this audience will soon be able to avoid. But the vast differences (like those just mentioned) shouldn’t really be a surprise considering the Roman sources that tell us that these Judeo-Hagarenes had adopted some sort of Arianism for their Umma. In other words, these Messianic Hebrew interpretations fit with the historical context (unlike the Abbasid Tafsirs).

By Yossi ‘Jo’ Khoen presented to Jay Smith from Pfander Films