Evidence of the Oral Torah: The Psalms

In the Book of Numbers (part of the Pentatuch or Torah) the Aaronic Blessing stands foundational. The translation of Bnei (children) is predicated to Israelites. Iterations as ‘blessing and keeping’ are found throughout scripture, however, in Psalm 67 the closest expression shows how the Oral Torah functioned and this is all that really matters! 

In Psalm 87 another subtle clue emerges as the chiastic or parallelism of the text and within the genre known as wisdom literature keeps its symmetry. So do not let it stand alone: for The Lord Loves the Gates of Zions! Yet in Priority!

Psalm 87 texts follows with nations (Babylon, Cush, Tyre et al ) that were blessed and brought into the revlation at Mt. Sinai and the eventual Temple with its Courts for the Gentiles. It is the standard Christianity narrative that missions was geographical in the “Old Testament” and where nations were to come and believe. Yet something deeper and more pervasive continues as the content of Scripture deals with the ‘what and how’ of the Gospel, not necessarily its ‘announcement’ as ‘good news.’ Thus, the end of ungodliness by dicipleship.

Here the Hebrew for ‘Gates’ harkens back to an even more foundational matter; following the ways of the Lord or even the ‘Derekch Haaretz’ (way or law of the land) or perhaps the Noahide foundation for all peoples. Something The Quran and even Augustine of Hippo identified before the Standard Islamic Narrative began and Christianity’s supersessionsim as replacement theology.

Surah 42:13 in the Islamic Quran states: He has ordained for you ‘believers’ (Sabians) the Way (Sharia Gates) which He decreed for Noah, and what We have revealed to you  O Prophet˺ and what We decreed for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, commanding: “Uphold the faith, and make no divisions in it.” 

Such a verse throws important light on Deen (religion as a standard) and its aim, it is necessary that we should study it to understand it well. Lexically, the word sharaa in sharaa lakum (ordained for you) means to make the way. As a term it implies appointing a way, a code and a rule. Accordingly, in Arabic the words tashri and shariat and shari are understood as the synonyms of legislation and law and law giver respectively. Therefore, let us understand ‘Gates’ as etymologically linked to the ‘what and how’ of the Gospel as ‘the end of ungodliness.’

Esau I Have Hated: The Reason for the Bible.

‘Hated’ in Romans 9:13  Esau’s bad choices

The Church or Edah as a ‘Spiritual Israel’ elected and Esau rejected as a posit of Reformed Covenant Theology must be radically situated to avoid supersessionism. This is a foundational matter as the Reformed are on to something with the corrective ‘Fulfillment Theology’ yet with little sensitivity to valid Jewish sources. Moreoever, the conflation of today’s political Zion/Israelism with Judaism as adopted by Scofield Darbyism should tell us all we need to know, nationalism and racism is always wrong for a believer over their Heavenly citizenship. 

Granted, such futurism may seem plausible in light of current events. That is why Christendom-Edom should make us reflect about the ‘Cultivated Olive Tree.’ We should not flaunt a new religion but understand and accept our grafting into it and become missional people of peace and justice, not simply doctrinal warriors interpreting Romans 9-11 without declaritive action that Jesus Christ is Lord and displaying Him!

Therefore, the historical Esau/Edom rejection framed as ‘non-election’ and extrapolated to any ethnic or spiritual state is wrong and shows the limits of explanation without understanding Abraham’s whole family over confining covenants as interpretive schemes based upon divisions upon the human race. If we say, ‘spiritual Israel’, and trying to avoid supersessionism, then Christians are the redempton of unspiritual Esau or Edom and even so-called ‘Messianic Jews.’ Nevertheless, we are all Hebrews that make up the Commonwealth of Israel.

Why was Esau hated? (Malachi & Romans) Judaism believes that the Torah (instruction) depicts a reality that cannot change, it is truth and the foundation. Thus Esau made many bad choices and took Caananite wives and then was positionally redeemed through Ishmael, by marrying back into the family with one of Ishmael’s daughters.  (Genesis 28:6-9). He lived by the sword and even at his end his head rolled into the lap of Issac according to the Talmuds. This folk tale is significant. Edom means Red and Jesus Christ represents the fufillment of Isaac’s blessing to Esau. (Isaiah 63) Grapes of wrath, saved by His blood.

Furthermore, if we posit just a ‘spiritual Israel,’ but what about Prophets Obadiah, Job, Eliphaz, even Caleb, all Edomites descended from ‘unspiritual Esau.’ Such prophecy and Jewish Midrash help disclose gaps in our understanding of Abraham's covenant children and our limitation with Jacob.  This is the context of Paul in Romans 9-11, Jacob or its nationalistic iteration as Israel is as lost as Esau, acting like he does taking up the sword. In Romans 10:19a - “I ask instead, did Israel not understand? “  (No, but following Judaism should make them understand, Acts 15 with Esau-Edom representing the nations, yes ethnically qualified Jews through observance and the maternal line.)

Then in Romans 10:19b as based upon Moses’s prophecy (Deutoronomy 32:21) reflecting upon the mixed multitude (the erav rav, Arab or Israelites not born of a Jewish mother like Ephrahim and Manasseh yet obedient in their observance): “I will make you (acting like Esau-Edom) jealous by those who are not a nation (Ishmael); I will make you angry by a nation without (knowledge) understanding.” Basically forms of nationalistic Christianity and Islam today by those truly practicing their faith in the messiah.

So Jesus Christ and the Christian Bible is Torat Edom or Red Judaism, a.k.a. as the way back for the lost sheep including the Romanized ethnic jew of Paul’s day and the cultural nationalist gene pool of ours (i.e. the Zionists). Acts 15 extrapolates Edom or Rome to the Nations. The revelation at Mount Sinai with the salvation of the mixed multitude through HaGerim (the Sojourner) was the missiology and process of grafting throughout the so-called Old Testament books and into the Maccabean period that set the stage for the New Testament ‘Mishnaic’ books; authoritative and binding for all peoples in the empire and down until today. 

Like then, so NOW there is a reason for Good News; the announcement of the end of ungodliness. Spiritual globalism exaulting Jesus of Nazareth as our Savior, not race or land politics, all providing the purpose of the Bible for humanity’s redemption. 

But Israel wanted a king (1 Samuel 8) and joined the gentiles, thus standing vulnerable, and inturn denegrated into toxic nationalism evident in the usurping represented as political Zionism and its nation state occupying ‘the Holy Land.’ This continues today not only in Israel but in the USA and in other nations.

The covenantal or dispensational framework or positions juxtaposed will not get us out of ‘the double bind’ we’re in with endless debate on various doctrines, unless we step back properly understand the Abrahamic Covenant with Esau, and not let the bilateral and cohersive aspects of the Mosaic Covenant dictate the larger narrative of the fact that ‘all nations will be blessed.’ 

The Lord’s promises to Abraham will not fail and are ‘spiritual’ and destined for a heavenly Jerusalem. Justice in the ‘Holy Land’ will only come by believers supported by the global church and not political alignments.

Now, you may ask isn’t this an overtly esoteric ‘spiritual’ interpretation? I ask, don’t we all want to be called children of God? Read 1 John.

👉 Romans Chapter 2 Jew YouTube Playlist
👉 Matt. 16 Word Study What is the Church?

The ‘ben Joseph’ Millennium is Over. Gog rages on!

“The Trail of Blood” 
promoted by Baptist 
Landmarkism (not endorsed) 
from a chart made by a European Protestant

👉 click for larger view

And it has come to pass in that day, 
The precious light is NOT, it is dense DARKNESS.” Zech 14:6

The “Dark Ages” 
A Messiah Ben Joseph 
for Jacob 
and the righteous 
from among the nations 
The Ben Joseph Millennium is Over, 
The Ben David Messianic Age Awaits… 
and could it be up to HIS PEOPLE? Yes!

Has Gog been unleashed? (Zionist Militant DemoGOGy) Did the satanist Nazis invoke Gog of Magog? Thus the Holocaust, so then merge 1967-68; the 6 Day War and ‘Summer of Love’ etc. Such convergence globalized mammon, violence and immorality with a vengance and has permeated the nations as never before. We are a mess!

I surmise, HaSatan, and unleashed as Gog, was chained with an era of Jewish pacificism that produced a further textual record. For example the Talmuds sprinkeld with flawed human opinions which as not scripture but the target of antisemites who don’t understand its a depository of opinion and holy scripture.  Also the tighly controlled orality of Kabbalah without the textual Zoharism or the physical lineage teaching of the Jews as a sacred seed which makes up the flaw of most of Hassidim.  

The Talmud was put on trial by the Medieval church because they misunderstood Jesus of Nazareth as Messiah Ben Joseph and read the false antichrist Jesus as Christianity’s founder which cannot be substantiated from proper Jewish interpretation and oral tradition. The anti Talmud narrative is frankly a diversion.

True Jacob suffered along with Thyratira under Rome and Byzantium and as dhimmis under Islam. Factions of Judaism was reacting, but the lineage of Yeshua Sar Haphanim remained within its partial hardened klippot (husk) including the damage done by a member of Jesus family Ben Stada perhaps? Gog now unleased rages on through globalization, the fiat financial system and its political expressions funding the militrary weapons and arms complex.

We His collective church (Edah) must ‘Bring back the King” and heal the world for His Iron Rod Rule (a just ledger) to study war no more! The Messiah is at the gates of Edom (Rome) binding the wounds of the world one bandage at a time; individual conversion over collective identity of the household of faith.

Isaiah 63 - His Iron Rod (the pen and ledger) of His word and the grapes must not be ours but His, signifying his shed bood on the cross. It is not a violent coming! Read deeply and be His People of peace!

For the Earth Shall Be Filled with 
the Knowledge of the Glory of the Lord, 
as the waters cover the Sea
Habbakuk 2:14

The Millennium Timeline: Talmudim from the Nations as Thyratira, coming out from nationalized religion making up the ‘Trail of Blood’ led by a 1000 years of pacificistic Judaism until 1948

964-968: The Messiah Ben Joseph millennium has already begun as predicted by Saadia Gaon. Inheriting the spirit of Messiah Ben Joseph the Scribes and Pharisees become Stateless Pacifists for 1000 years. His work on the Hebrew Calender is important.

927-969 Romanos persecutes Jews and condemns the Bulgarian Church for tolerating Heterodoxy. Sviatoslav I conquers Khazaria. A militant Jewish state disappears. Remember the Standard Islamic Narrative (SIN) recorded by the Chinese confirms that the taking of Jerusalem was a messianic imposition that went awry.

From Ariel Cohen Alloro’s Book Cover 
No Endorsement but he does get Esav correct.

The assumption is that Saadia was wrong because Judaism does not always think about the Millennial reign being before Gog. Or is there a difference between the ‘Millennium’ and the ‘Messianic age?’ Outside of the sealed 144,000, the Jews are really not the focus for Christian Eschatology and its interpretations, so have we become the oracle keepers? I think not.

The Book of Revelation’s layers, symbols and parallelisms help show that Saadia Gaon was not wrong and don’t forget Ezekial where spiritual interpretive directions are required. He was talking only about the Millennial reign not the final coming of the Messiah as Ben David because it was a Ben Joseph millennium. But did Messiah Ben David already come that day riding into Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey, or is this in the future? It must be prophetic futuristic according to Christianity and of course Judaism still awaits its Messiah Ben David. 

Perhaps the destruction of Zionism and the State of Israel is the only earthly solution from which the Land is restored and a true highway of righteousness will exist in the Holy Land. In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth.” (Isaiah 19:23-24)

How will this work out naturally is anyone guess or better yet are we just bound for the Heavenly Jerusalem where our king awaits? I believe such spiritual destination awaits, otherwise we are still divided into races and nationalisms which detract from our collective destination as the natural view implies violence. Still the land crys out for justice.

Thus eschatology should never direct God’s people toward violent vindication or escapism, yet hanging on to our blessed hope and working together to take every thought captive and make the world a better place, in so far, as it is in our individual and collective power to do so. ‘Bloom where you are planted’ and always remember life is short, we shall soon meet Him in the air, because ‘space is the place.’

The Ben Joseph Millennium
A Timeline for Both Groups of Pacifists 
Orthodox Jews 
and the ‘Trail of Blood’

970, the Byzantine emperor John I Tzimiskes of the Macedonian dynasty strengthens the Balkan Cathars by transplanting 200,000 more Armenian Paulicians to Europe and settled them in the neighbourhood of Philippopolis (today's Plovdiv, Bulgaria).

986 Judaized Khazars claiming that they killed Jesus fail to convert Vladimir I of Kiev to their faith.

1018 Bulgarian Empire is annexed.

1054 The Great Schism means that Roman Catholics begin to crack down on Sabbath keepers.

1057-1075 Cathar Patarenes reach Milan. 

Diocese of Bosnia came into existence between 1060 and 1075

1119-1312 Mohammedan Christian Templars

1143 Catharism can be clearly identified in Cologne.

1180s John Kinnamos describes the the Gálycians as practising Mosaic law while other sources call them Meshulam.

1185–1396 the Paulician Alevi Asen dynasty establish the Second Bulgarian Empire.

Cathar Lollards in the Netherlands at the beginning of the 14th century who were akin to the Fraticelli, Beghards, and other sectaries similar to the recusant Franciscans.

Cathar Boghards

Cathar Waldenses - The Petter Chamor - Peter Waldo of Lyon

Bohemian Brethren already in 1310
The Dominican Bernard Gui, Inquisitor of Toulouse from 1308 to 1323, published a manual detailing how to dispose of Cathars. In Bohemia, as much as one quarter of the population kept seventh-day the sabbath in 1310.

By 1350, all known remnants of the movement had been extinguished in Octania. Many Occitan courts had been patrons of the troubadours, and their destruction resulted in the gradual deterioration of troubadour practice and the immigration of most troubadours from Southern France to royal courts in Italy, Spain and Hungary.

The Bohemian reformation was also inspired by the ideas of Conrad Waldhauser d.1369 and Johann Milíč of Kroměříž d.1374 as well as the Lollard theologian and philosopher John Wycliffe 1328-1384; Matthew of Kraków 1335-1410; Matthias de Janow 1350–1394 and Jan Hus 1370–1415

Petr Chelčický 1390-1460
1420s-1430s The Hussite Bible is written in Hungarian.

Zakharia 1470-1491
Two priests, Dionysius and Alexis, convinced by Zacharias, and four Jews who had recently come from the South, spread the news of this doctrine broad, and arch-priest Gabriel was among the many who were converted. In 1491, Skhariya the Jew was executed in Novgorod by the order of Ivan III. In 1504, diak (secretary) Ivan-Volk Kuritsyn, Dmitry Konoplev and Ivan Maksimov were burnt at the stake. Other adherents were banished, imprisoned, or excommunicated. Feodor Kuritsyn's adherents' club ceased to exist.

William Tyndale 1494–1436 included the Apocrypha

Katarina von Bora Luther 1499–1552 (I exclude her raging prolific husband as he was too impatient through his apocalyptic diatribes against the Jews which did not help as the Nazi’s used his work to scapegoat for the Holocaust. Calvin would be included with Luther and their opposition to the ana-baptists)

7th Day Anabaptists
Swiss Brethren 1525
Wilhelm Reublin 1484-1559
Jacob Hutter 1500-1536
Oswald Glaidt
Andreas Fischer
Menno Simmons 1496-1561

The Bloody Theater—more commonly known as Martyrs Mirror— assembled by the Dutch Mennonite minister Thieleman van Braght and published in 1660

John Smyth 1607
Seventh Day Men 1600
Hamlet Jackson 1614
Hamlet established the Mill Yard Seventh Day Anabaptist Church in 1617 which converted Theophilus Brabourne by 1628 and Henry Jesse by 1645. In 1650, Brabourne's pupil, James Ockford, published in London the book The Doctrine of the Fourth Commandment, Deformed by Popery, Reformed & Restored to its Primitive Purity. The work convinced a Baptist called Peter Chamberlen who led the first Baptist service at Millyard Church in 1651.

Jacobus Arminius 1560–1609 (with all due respect to my Calvinist brethren, think political manipulation and worldly state nationalism, not the doctrines of grace in a vaccum, no matter how true and precious they may be, yet he adapted ana-baptist ideas)

Stephen Mumford 1664
Stephen fled to the Americas establishing the Seventh Day Anabaptist Church in Newport which converted John Rogers & James Rogers Jr. in 1674.

Many Shabbatis fled the Ottomam Empire at this time due to the imprisonment of the Shabbati teacher and ‘so-called failed Jewish Messiah Tsvi Ben Mordechai in 1666 who provoked so much Jewish history after his ‘so-called’ conversion under the Ottoman caliphate.

John Wesley 1703-1791
John Wesley was an Anglican convert to Moravian Anabaptism in 1735 which he left to establish Methodism in late 1739 having decided that Moravians were guilty of a heresy in what he called ‘quietism.’ Nevertheless, he continued to promote self-discipline as an essential element in self-reformation. The dichotomy within modernity of the individual and the collective is perhaps the most difficult to reconcile.

Baptist Confession 1660 with ana-baptist influences, yet with an explicit denial of the movement influencing the emerging Calvinist Baptist hegemony.

(XIX. That the poor Saints belonging to the Church of Christ, are to be sufficiently provided for by the Churches After Charles II, the non-conformists like John Bunyan were jailed, yet Cromwellian sentiments remained, still the document was wholistic. The famous 1689 London Confession, virtually following the famous 1646 Westminster Confession of Faith (a religious statement coupled with Westphalian Christian Nation State fervor), some who were also Lord’s Day Sabbatarians, however explicity states that the ‘Jewish’ Sabbath had been abolished. 

George Whitfield (Calvinist Baptist, Friend of John Wesley) and Presbyterianism was instrumental in the colonial era or grass roots faith aiding the founding of the USA through influential Free Masons and Deists by separation of church and state. Still the English called 1776 and the succesive War of Independence ‘the Presbyterian Revolution,’ thus the ubiquity of Evangelicals influenced by Calvinist and Arminian interpretations mixed with the state church impluse found through out all denominations to one degree or another. As today many sadly have remained divided under such Westphalian political hegemony coupled with the trumph of The House of Orange in 1688 who set into motion the divide, i.e. the Christian Right and the Progressive Left. Nevertheless, a diverse array of Christian denominations found haven in the original 13 Colonies. i.e. Pennsylvannia - Quaker with Anabaptists; Rhode Island - Baptist; Maryland - Roman Catholic; New England - Congregationalist; Virgina - Presbyterian et al, the first historical layer of America’s ‘Christian Nation’ temptation.

Rachel Harris 1809-1868
in 1844, Rachel Harris Oaks Preston, a Wesleyan 7th day Anabaptists was responsible for inadvertently kickstarting the Church of God 7th day and the Whiteist movements when she converted a Millerite Methodist minister Frederick Wheeler to Seventh Day Sabbatarianism. Ellen G. White took the Sabbath into the Adventist Zeitgiest in a simular direction like the audacity of the Anglican John Nelson Darby. 

Messianic Shabbati Hebrews
The Subbotniki were a peaceful group of Messianic Kibbutzniks who identified as Hebrews but not as Jews. Their independence was compromised by organizations like Irgun in 1940s before the current State of Israel and thereafter.

The Christian & Missionary Alliance 1884 Not normally 7th Day but hopefully Lord’s Day Sabbatarians as former Presbyterian Minster A.B. Simpson and his wife Maggie’s remains rest in property that NOW (2021) belongs to a Viznitz Hassidic Yeshiva, a pacifist group differing from Chabad whose Kiruv project affirms political Zionism.  Yet groups like the Haredim Viznitz, mostly, and Satmar absolutely, reject such Zionism. I think A.B. and Maggie are quite happy where they rest.

According to Jewish Halakah; A.B. and Maggie’s graves should not be exhumed, but NY state laws require public access. At least this is what I have understood concerning the sale of what was once the property of the Alliance as Nyack College. Yes, Gog has also deeply damaged Evangelicalism. The battle rages on…

… and all those forgotton before the throne.

American director of Neturei Kata David Weiss interviewed by Jo.