The Most Nefarious Industry


Child Trafficiking Must STOP! πŸ™ 

A Communication from Heaven? ‘Angel Poop’ 

(caution rated R, The video makes the point but with too much flesh and Evil for my eyes, here is the G version ANGEL with English and German) and please stop viewing PORNO, you are just contributing to the EVIL of a Doomed industry and your own destruction.

Please familiarize yourself with the serious nature of the mission. Gog has been unleashed and we are to be vigilent! For our weapons are not of the world but mighty in the pulling down of strongholds!

The Islamic Quran affirms Baptists

Islam mentions various Jewish and Christian groups. To distinguish and ascertain these movements concerning Jesus of Nazareth, whether monophysite/miaphysite churches or Messianic Noahides, helps corraborate and correct the monolithic narratives of hegemonic Western and Eastern Christianity and their political Ecumenical Councils. The same with Islam as politial theology as the ‘Standard Islamic Narrative’ is no longer plausable and frankly dangerous for anyone to tell it.


πŸ‘‰ Christians in Islam YouTube Playlist

Destination META-Narrative

πŸ‘‰ The New Jerusalem from Zechariah and Revelations

DO this In Rememberance of ME!

“On the night that Jesus was betrayed” reminds us to follow Him and not deny Him (this week) after we receive His Body and His Blood to BE HIS BODY!

πŸ‘‰ YouTube Playlist The Lord’s Supper was not the Passover Sedar