The Most Nefarious Industry


Child Trafficiking Must STOP! 🙏 

A Communication from Heaven? ‘Angel Poop’ 

(caution rated R, The video makes the point but with too much flesh and Evil for my eyes, here is the G version ANGEL with English and German) and please stop viewing PORNO, you are just contributing to the EVIL of a Doomed industry and your own destruction.

Please familiarize yourself with the serious nature of the mission. Gog has been unleashed and we are to be vigilent! For our weapons are not of the world but mighty in the pulling down of strongholds!

The Islamic Quran affirms Baptists

The Sabians, mentioned in the Qur’an (Surah 2:62, 5:69, and 22:17), have long been a mysterious religious group, often placed alongside Jews and Christians as Ahl al-Kitab (People of the Book). Historically, they have been associated with the Mandaeans, a Gnostic sect with strong reverence for John the Baptist. Their continued existence, primarily in Iraq and Iran, serves as living evidence of early religious diversity within the broader Abrahamic tradition.

The Mandaeans, while rejecting Judaism and Christianity in their later developments, preserve elements of Second Temple-era Jewish traditions and proto-Christian movements that may have influenced, or at least paralleled, the development of early Christianity. Their existence challenges the rigid theological and historical narratives imposed by later Ecumenical Councils, whether in the West (Rome) or the East (Constantinople, Chalcedon, or later Islamic rulings). They provide a counterpoint to the monolithic depictions of religious history, demonstrating that theological development was far from uniform in Late Antiquity.

Islam, in mentioning the Sabians alongside Jews and Christians, indirectly acknowledges the diversity of Jewish and Christian movements during its formative period. This stands as further evidence that early Christianity was not a single, unified institution but a complex network of groups, some of which retained adherence to Torah (e.g., Messianic Noahides), while others evolved into distinctly Gentile movements. Distinguishing between Monophysite and MiaphysiteChristologies, for example, helps to correct oversimplified narratives about the nature of Jesus in early Christian thought, revealing that theological disputes were deeply embedded in regional, linguistic, and cultural differences.

Furthermore, the Standard Islamic Narrative (SIN), which presents Islam as a fully formed theological and political system from the time of Muhammad, is increasingly untenable under modern historical scrutiny. Early Islam was far more fluid, with clear Jewish-Christian influences, regional theological variations, and a gradual development of its legal and doctrinal structures. The acknowledgment of Sabians in the Qur’an, without clear doctrinal condemnation, suggests a transitional religious landscape where distinctions between “Jews,” “Christians,” and other monotheistic believers were not as rigid as later Islamic orthodoxy would insist.

The persistence of groups like the Mandaeans reminds us that religious history is rarely dictated solely by centralized councils or dominant theological authorities. Instead, it is shaped by a web of communities, many of which preserved their unique traditions despite the sweeping political and doctrinal changes imposed by empires and state-sponsored religions. Recognizing these voices not only deepens our understanding of early Christianity and Islam but also challenges the political narratives that have sought to erase or homogenize religious diversity throughout history.


👉 Christians in Islam YouTube Playlist

Destination META-Narrative

👉 The New Jerusalem from Zechariah and Revelations

DO this In Rememberance of ME!

“On the night that Jesus was betrayed” reminds us to follow Him and not deny Him (this week) after we receive His Body and His Blood to BE HIS BODY!

👉 YouTube Playlist The Lord’s Supper was not the Passover Sedar